Vendor Catalog Walkthrough

Find out what you can see in your emax catalog and what information you should upload for more insights


Learn in those articles how to use the Vendor Central Catalog and how to use tags

Search bar and filter options: 

  • Search bar - find single products/ASINs easier
    You can use different search terms, e. g., ASIN or product title.
  • Filters - filter e.g. by product availability and marketplaces.
  • Columns - you can select which columns you want to have displayed by clicking the checkbox.
    You can also change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping. This only works for columns marked with the three horizontal lines.
    • Vendor Central Columns - Information that we receive directly from Amazon and that is not editable in our tool.
    • Custom Columns - Information that can be filled in and customized by your needs. 


Custom column "Ignored" - Important! 

Sometimes, Amazon accidentally adds ASINs to your reports, and we will show them in your catalog in emax digital.

Only in that case should you set ASINs to "Yes" in the column "Ignored."

If an ASIN is set to "Ignored = Yes" in the Vendor Central Catalog, its data is automatically removed from all reports and dashboards.

That also applies to historical data.

We strongly suggest uploading custom information on ASIN-level to the following "Custom Columns" to fully benefit from the tool!


  1. Additional Parent ASIN - If you add a "Parent"-Identifier for ASINs that are supposed to be variations on the same detail page you can use the "Products Variant"-alarm on the Home Screen to track broken variations. The identifier does not need to be an ASIN but can be anything like e.g. your internal Model No. 
  2. Categories - You can add one "Category"-information per ASIN to filter reports, dashboards, and presets to your needs. 
  3. Subcategories - Additionally, you can add one "Sub-Category"-information per ASIN to filter reports, dashboards, and presets to your needs.  
  4. Tags - You can add several "Tags" per ASIN to filter reports, dashboards, and presets for individual product groups such as "Strategic Products", "Seasonal Products", "Prime Day XX" and much more. Separate individual Tags with a "," in the Excel upload. 
  5. RRP (Recommended Retail Price) - Amazon does not always show a RRP on the Detail Page. By adding a RRP to the catalog you can monitor the price difference between actual average sales prices and your Recommended Retail Price. 
  6. Cost Price - As Vendor you can add the price per ASIN for which you offer the product to Amazon as your customer.    
  7. Fixed Cost per Unit - Add a fixed amount of manufacturing cost per ASIN to your catalog to monitor the margin versus your Cost Price (i.e., what Amazon is paying you via Net Receipt Amounts) in the Analytics Hub. Add the cost in the domestic currency of the marketplace they are occurring (e.g., DE = EUR, UK = GBP).
  8. Additional Cost Ratio - As a Vendor, you are subject to individual deal terms with Amazon. You can add a Cost Ratio in % that you are charged by Amazon per ASIN for selling a product. For example, Amazon charges you 2% for the damage allowance and 3% for marketing allowances. You should upload "5%" as an "Additional Cost Ratio" per ASIN to refine the margin calculation in the Analytics Hub. That way, you can easily track and understand your profitability as a Vendor.  
  9. Monitored - You can de-activate tracking for ASINs that you do not need detail page information for.
  10. Availability - Upload the information on whether an ASIN is available and can be sold to Amazon. That means whether Amazon can order the ASIN from you. We recommend using one of the three "Availability Stati" that Amazon is using as well:
    • In Stock
    • Temporarily unavailable

    • Permanently unavailable

    Ideally, your "Availability" matches Amazon's "Replenishment Category." If they do not match (e.g., you are "In Stock" but Amazon shows "Manufacturer Out of Stock"), this might be the reason Amazon is not ordering from you. In that case, you should contact Amazon to inform them. 

    You can easily compare the static from the Vendor Central Catalog in your emax digital account or the Excel download in "Inventory" in the Hub.     
  11. Internal lD - allocate products across marketplaces.