Vendor ASIN Focus Walkthrough

Find out which KPIs you can find in our Vendor ASIN Focus Dashboard

The dashboard only includes ASINs (products) that are listed in your Amazon Catalog. A detailed description of all KPIs can be found in the Hub Glossary

Filter Options

In the ASIN Focus Report, you can filter:

  • Reporting Range - here you can choose between yearly, monthly and weekly view
  • Reporting Period - you can select the week, the month or the year you want to look at
  • Marketplace - select the marketplace you want to look at
  • Category - you can apply the category filter to see how your defined categories develop over time 
  • Tag - you can apply the tag filter to see how your defined tagged products develop over time 
  • Subcategory - you can apply the subcategory filter to see how your defined subcategories develop over time 

Go to catalog input documentation to see how to fill in categories, subcategories, tags, and additional parent ASINs

  • ASIN - search or filter by ASIN
  • Product Title - search or filter by product title - e.g. you want to see all ASINs that have the word "XYZ" in the title
  • Brand - in case you are selling multiple brands, you can use this filter to only view the ASINs from the brands you chose here
  • Identifier - you can use this filter to view your KPIs on a category, subcategory, ASIN or Additional Parent ASIN level (Parent ASIN can be the internal model nr or identification that you use for ASINs or variation groups)
  • Amazon Bestseller Category - filter by the Amazon predefined categories
  • Distributor View - you can choose your view between sourcing and manufacturing


  • Sourcing means all revenue made from your vendor account
  • Manufacturing means all revenue made from your brand

Executive Summary Overview

Left side:

A pie chart with your sales split by organic and paid.
An overview of the development of your organic and paid sales, the number of impressions generated by SP and SD Campaigns, and the current Ad Spend. 


A Table showing you the development of your sales (paid and organic) and TACoS month over month. 

Right side:

An overview of the development of your overall TAcos, ACoS, and SP and SD TAcos, ACoS.
The overall conversion rate and the split between the organic and paid conversion rate. 

Total sessions and overall buy box %. 


In the ASIN Focus Table, you can find an overall overview of all important KPIs that are relevant to your performance on Amazon. 

The first column in the table will give you an insight into the performance group the chosen identifier will 

you can monitor the overall performance of your portfolio. Based on the glance views and conversion rate we grade your portfolio products and assign them to one of four groups (see quadrants in the Strategic Portfolio Matrix). This analysis only considers products which appear in your monthly sales report and are listed in the Analytics Hub catalog. The alarms in the section below help you to quickly identify potential problems in various areas.


Questions Answered by the Dashboard

  • What was the Total Net Received Revenue/Ordered Revenue last Week?

  • How did the Net Received Revenue/Ordered Revenue develop last week compared to the previous week?

  • What was last week’s strongest growing market in Ordered Revenue?

  • What were the Total Ad Sales/Total Ad Spend last week?

  • How did the Ad Sales/Ad Spend develop last week compared to the previous week?

  • What was last week’s ratio of Ad Sales to Total Sales?

  • What were last week’s top three products in Net Received Revenue/Ordered Revenue?

  • What were last week’s top three biggest winners in Net Received Revenue/Ordered Revenue?