Content Monitor Walkthrough

Find out what you can see in the Content Monitor.

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Filter Options

In the Content Monitor you can filter:

  • Marketplace - select the marketplace you want to look at
  • Columns - you can customize the Content Elements you want to look at
  • ASIN/ Title  - you can look for a specific ASIN or Product Title
  • Status - while working with the Content Monitor you can tag your products as New, In Progress, To Do or Accepted so you know which ASINs are already communicated to Amazon
  • Tags - you can filter your Products with the Tags you inserted in your Catalog
  • Categories - you can filter your Products with the Categories you inserted in your Catalog

Go to the Catalog to fill in Tags & Categories - here you can also find the documentation on how to do it.


In the Content Monitor you can Monitor if Amazon displays the Content correctly on the PDP. Therefore you can upload a Master Content so we can directly check with that Master Content. 

In the Overview you can see if there is:

✅ No deviation compared to the Master Content
❌ Deviation compared to the Master Content
⚪ Master and active content empty
🟢 A+ Content on PDP
🔴 No A+ Content on PDP
At the top you can also choose to only look for divergent entries only or empty entries only by ticking to Box.
If there are any deviations you can select them by ticking the box of the product and click on "Create Amazon Upload File" to create a Excel Sheet that you can directly send to Amazon. 

Product Level (Click on one Product)

If you are on Product Level you can see what exactly is wrong in the specific Content Element:

  • Title
  • Bullet Points
  • Description
  • Main Image
  • Images
  • Number of Images
  • Brand
  • Manufacturer
  • Back End Keywords

You can overwrite the Master Content and Save the Changes.