emax reports differ from Amazon Retail Analytics due to YTD values exclusivity in the ARA UI reports, necessitating an alternative calculation in the Analytics Hub for approximated YTD values based on report granularity.
In practice, you might notice that many metrics in Emax reports don't align perfectly with those in Amazon Retail Analytics found within Vendor Central or Seller Central. This discrepancy stems from the fact that Amazon doesn't furnish YTD (Year-to-Date) values through the Selling Partner API, making it exclusive to the ARA UI reports. Consequently, a direct 1-to-1 data transfer isn't feasible.
To bridge this gap and allow you to access YTD values in the Analytics Hub, we've devised an alternative calculation method that offers an approximate YTD value, despite the absence of an Amazon-provided database.
The Calculation:
Our YTD calculation combines data from completed periods in the current year, organized by their respective granularity (weekly, monthly, or quarterly). To account for the difference between closed periods and the current day, it adds data from daily reports in the current period.
It's essential to note that not all metrics in Amazon Retail Analytics are available at a daily granularity. This limitation particularly applies to metrics such as Net Received Revenue and Net Received Units.
Considering the distinct calculation methods applied to various granularities, it's expected to anticipate some variation in YTD values. The choice of either a weekly, monthly, or quarterly report granularity can influence the degree of variation you encounter.
For a more in-depth understanding of varying granularities in Amazon Retail Analytics and Amazon Sponsored Ads & DSP, read our Article.