What's going on with the Sponsored Brands reports right now?

Missing Sponsored Brands data since November 10th. Transitioning to Reporting V2 Sponsored Brands V4 due to Amazon's changes. Reporting V3 is in preview, lacking key metrics. "units sold" metric unavailable until Reporting V3 is out of preview.

What's the issue?

Missing Sponsored Brands Data since the 10th of November.

What's causing the bug?

You might be aware that there are three different creative types for Sponsored Brands campaigns you can request from the Amazon API:
  1. Creative Type **null**: Classic Sponsored Brand Campaigns
  2. Creative Type **video**: Sponsored Brand Video Campaigns
  3. Creative Type **all**: All Campaigns (null + video + multi-ad)
These Campaigns can be requested from different API Versions:
  1. Reporting V2:
    1. Sponsored Brands V3: Here you can request the creative type null and video
    2. Sponsored Brands V4: Here you can request the creative type all and video
  2. Reporting V3: This version is currently in preview and only allows the retrieval of Sponsored Brand multi ad group campaigns. (https://advertising.amazon.com/API/docs/en-us/guides/reporting/v3/overview)

Check out Amazon's API documentation for more details. 

Until recently, for Sponsored Brands Campaigns, we were using Reporting V2 Sponsored Brands V3 for several reasons:
  1. Sponsored Brands V4 is missing the **units sold kpi** (we already talked to the Amazon support and they are aware of this shortcoming)
  2. Reporting V3 is in Preview mode so we won't be getting all the data

Why do we need to switch now?

Amazon is now starting for Reporting V2 Sponsored Brand V4 to only deliver data for campaigns created before September 2022.

Why did we not switch earlier?

Reporting V2 Sponsored Brands V4 is not reporting the unit sold kpi. However, this is a very important KPI for our customers so we wanted to keep fetching this as long as possible.

What are we going to do?

  1. We will now be switching to Reporting V2 Sponsored Brand V4
  2. As soon as Reporting V3 Sponsored Brands is out of Preview we will be switching to this Version.

What do I as a customer have to expect?

Until Reporting V3 Sponsored Brands is out of preview, you will not be able to see **units sold** since Amazon is not reporting this metric.