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Sponsored Ads - how do I know which keywords need to be optimized

This article teaches you how to use our tool to identify which keywords need optimization in your Sponsored Ads

Keyword Targeting

First, you want to navigate to the Advertising section in our tool. Then, click on "360° Sponsored Ads Report" and select "Keyword Targeting". 

You can now select a certain time frame and sort the chart as you prefer. We recommend you to download the Excel File for an easier Analysis. 


Identify which keywords need optimization

ROAS < 5

A common practice is to check all Keywords with a ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) which iss lower than 5. These keywords have a relatively low return and you should consider decrease the bids for these low-performing keywords to conserve budget.

Conversion Rate < 1%

Checking the Conversion Rate is a helpful practice when you want to find low-performing Keywords.  (Conversion Rate = The chance of a click leading to a conversion/sale) All Keywords with a Conversion Rate lower than 1% should be optimized. 


If you want to learn more about this topic, you can check out our article about Optimizing Campaigns