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Vendor Sales KPIs

Sales KPIs you need to track

Net Received Units 

That's the total value of units Amazon has received after subtracting the number of returns.

Net Received Revenue (Sell-In) 

That's the total value Amazon has received after subtracting the number of returns.

Net received units x cost price = Net Received Revenue 


Inventory and sales that Amazon has sourced and sold from your inventory only. 


Inventory and sales that Amazon has not just distributed from your inventory, but also from other suppliers whose items are identified with your brand.

Shipped Revenue

That's the total revenue generated by customer orders, based on the Amazon selling price to the time the order was placed. Sales are counted into shipped revenue once they are shipped to the customer. 

Price x Shipped units = Ordered Revenue

Ordered Revenue

Total revenue generated by customer orders, based on the Amazon selling price to the time the order was placed. 

Price x Ordered units = Ordered Revenue

Shipped CoGS

CoGS = Cost of Goods Sold

That's the price Amazon has paid you for the item procurement and makes it a better reflection of the true revenue generated by the product for most vendors.