360° DSP Report - How to identify good and bad performing DSP Campaigns?

Find out how you can check whether your DSP campaigns are performing well or badly.

We use the 360° DSP Report to get this information!

For more information about your sales funnel and path to conversion, book a call with our sales team. 

Step 1

Go to 360° DSP Report and fill out the time range and marketplace you want to review in the filters.

  • For an overall performance review of your DSP Campaigns, leave out ORDER or LEVEL Filter.
  • For a more detailed review, make sure you have filled out the ORDER, LEVEL, or LINE ITEM filter. 

Step 2

Scroll down to the overview table to review your DSP KPIs in more detail. 

There are several KPIs that you can use as a main performance metric.

For example:

  • Filter your Orders, Line Items, or Creatives from best to lowest ROAS to analyze which one needs to be optimized first.
  • Filter by impressions, to see which Order, Line Item, or Creative has high impressions & spending, but a low purchase rate.

Once you have analyzed your overall DSP Campaign Performance, switch to the target audience dashboard to see what exactly you should optimize.