The Product Finder helps you to find similar products from the same brand based on a given ASIN.
Where to find the ASIN of a listed product on Amazon marketplace
go to detail page of the product
find ASIN as a ten-digit alphanumeric product identification in the URL
Please make sure to take the ASIN from the Amazon marketplace you want to investigate. Otherwise, the tool won’t find similar products based on your entered ASIN.
To start searching for products of a single brand
enter the ASIN you want so search for similar products
select a marketplace where the product search should take place
click on the “Search ASIN” button to start the search
The product search usually take 5-10 minutes!
The product search was successful!
The Product Finder found 631 similar products based on the entered ASIN.
Select the products you want to track the detail page information by clicking on the checkboxes.
If you want to select all found products, click on the checkbox next to the column “ASIN”.
By selecting those products, you see next to the blue button how many products you are able to track based on your booked product plan.
If you click on the button “Track Products”, you automatically create a group of products that is displayed on the products page.
After activating the tracking for your selected products, you have the option to continue searching for products or go to “Products” to edit the tracking of your products groups.
Tags help you to summarise specific products to a group that you want to analyse in your hub or market insights reports.