How to get more information on your and your competitors PDPs?

Find out all the information you need to know about your PDP.

We use the Brand Overview to get this information!

You can only use this analysis if you inserted ASINs in the Data Input Section 

Step 1

Go to the Bestseller Dashboard in the Market Insights Section.

Here you can select the brand you want to look at or certain product groups (tags).

    Step 2

    If you want to optimize your own PDP you should check the following things:

    • Pricing incl. development over time
    • Ratings over time
    • Bestseller Rank over time
    • Buy Box Share total and on product level
    • Availability
    • Amount of offers on the PDP
    • Top Buy Box Winner
    • Top Category
    • Content Score (Title, Bullet Points, Images, Video, A+ Content)