Seller ASIN Focus - How to find out which ASINs have a negative Sales Trend and why?

Find out how you can check which ASINs have a negative Sales Trend and why.

For this Use Case we use the Sales & Traffic Report as well as the ASIN Focus report

Step 1

Check whether you can see a negative trend in the Sales in the Seller Sales & Traffic Report.

Step 2 

To find out the reason for the negative trend we go to ASIN level in the ASIN Focus Dashboard in the next step.

Step 3

You can use the Ordered Revenue Trend column and sort it to see the ASINs with the most negative trend first.

Step 4

For that ASINs you can now check the different Sales influencing KPIs to see where the pain point is:

  • Content is broken 
  • Variations are broken
  • Traffic is decreasing
  • Search Rank dropped
  • Advertising spend dropped
  • No stock
  • Lost Buy Box
  • etc.