360° DSP Report - How to find our potentials in your DSP campaigns?

Find out how you can still optimize your DSP campaigns

We use the DSP Dashboards to get this information!

Step 1

Check Top Level  your KPIs across the Sales Funnel. 

Step 2

In the Top Level Dashboard you can also see which Orders, Line Items or Creatives have:

  • The highest spend
  • the best CTR & purchase rate - if you look into the difference (high CTR and low PR) you can get an indication that the creative promises more than you can see on the PDP
  • the most purchases
  • the best ROAS

This is an indication where you should edit the creative, the product detail page or the targeting.

Step 3

Go to Targeting Analysis and which segments perform good and which ones you should exchange or exclude. Also find out which untargeted segments you could potentially also use in the different line items.

Step 4

Go to the Site Report and check which sites do not perform good and exclude them from your inventory.