If you're looking to link your Seller Central account, here's where you can find out about the necessary requirements and how to connect to the Amazon Selling Partner API for sellers.
In which case is a Seller SP API connection relevant for me?
An SP API connection is required for the following emax digital products:
- Seller Hub
- Market Basket Report
- Seller Monitoring
- Review Monitor
- Content Monitor
What data comes from the Seller SP API?
Reports for the Amazon Retail Analytics program (ARA) and Brand Analytics reports are imported into the emax Analytics Hub via the SP API. This includes:
- Sales and Traffic Report (ARA)
- FBA Inventory (ARA)
- Market Basket Report
How to connect a Seller SP API?
Step 1: Make sure you are not logged into any Amazon account
First of all, make sure that you are NOT logged into an Amazon account with the browser you are currently using. To do this, go to the Amazon Marketplace website. You can see whether you are logged in with an account at the top right of the screen. If you are still logged in, log out.
If you are registered with Amazon, this refers to a specific marketplace. So if you are registered on www.amazon.de and www.amazon.es, you must log out separately on both websites.
So check all Amazon marketplaces you want to connect to the emax Analytics Hub beforehand.
Step 2: Make sure you have access to the specific Seller Central account you want to connect
To give the emax Analytics Hub access to the respective Seller Central, authorization takes place via the Login with Amazon. You grant this authorization by logging in during the connection process with a user account that has access to the respective Seller Central account.
Please note that you can only give the emax app access rights with your account that you have authorized in your account.
If you do not have access to sales reports in Seller Central with your account, you cannot grant access rights for the sales reports. It is therefore important to ensure that you have the required access rights before authorization.
The following access rights should be granted:
Please note that you need a "Professional Selling Plan" in Seller Central to use AWS services, including the SP API. If you are using an "Individual Selling Plan", you must upgrade to a Professional Selling Plan.
If you want to find out more about Amazon's selling plans, find more details following the links below:
Step 3: Connect your emax company account with the Seller SP API
After you have created the prerequisites for a successful connection, you must now establish the actual connection.
To do this, log in with an emax user account and select the company account that you want to connect to a Seller Central account.
In our example, we select the company "Nippes" because we want to establish a data connection here. Make sure that you select the right company for the Seller Central account.
Click on the cogwheel at the top right of the screen and select Admin.
Now select "Data Connections" in the second level navigation on the left side of the screen.
Now click on "manage" in the section for the Seller Connections. Select the appropriate region for the marketplace you want to connect.
Amazon's assignment of which country belongs to which region is unfortunately not entirely clear. Depending on the context, a different assignment can be found.
Since the SP API is a service from the AWS area, the assignment according to AWS documentation applies.
The details of which country belongs to which Amazon region can be found here.
After selecting the region, you will be redirected to the Amazon login screen. Log in here with the login credentials that you normally use to log in to the respective Seller Central.
If you have access to multiple Seller Central accounts with the user account, please make sure that you select the correct account.
After you have selected an account, you will be asked to confirm your selection. Check again that you have selected the correct Seller Central account. You can see the name of the selected account in the upper left corner of the screen.
Click on confirm to complete the authorization.
You have successfully authorized access to Seller Central. You will now be redirected back to the emax Analytics Hub. The emax Analytics Hub now has the authorization to import data from the SC. Next, the data import must be initialized/started.
Click on "manage" again and then on "Add or edit marketplace".
All marketplaces managed with the same Selling Partner ID will be displayed.
Now select the marketplace for which you want to import the data into the emax Analytics Hub.
Check the Selling Partner ID again to make sure that you are connecting the right account.
After you have set the checkmarks, click on "save".
By setting the checkmarks, you can connect one or more accounts at the same time.
Once the maximum number of accounts (according to you contract) has been reached, the checkboxes will be grayed out.
Done! Your Seller Central account is now connected. The data import starts immediately after the connection.
Which data is imported now and how long does it take until my data is in the Analytics Hub?
Both current and historical data are improvised as part of the onboarding process. Everything that is provided by Amazon is imported.
For the Seller SP API, this is retroactive from the day of connection:
- Daily Reports -> 1460
- Weekly Reports -> 7
- Monthly Reports -> 36
- Quarterly Reports -> 8
- Yearly Reports -> 3
If you want to learn more about Amazon data history or which data is available from which data source and how emax extents the look-back window, read our Help Center article.
How can I disconnect an account again?
If you want to disconnect your account, you can do so at any time using the checkboxes. To disconnect an account, go to data connections, remove the checkmark and click on save. The import of the data will be stopped immediately and the data will be removed from the company account within 24 hours.
To delete an authorized account completely, click on delete connection. Here too, the data import will stop immediately and the data will no longer be available within 24 hours.
Data from disconnected accounts can't be restored after 60 days.
What is the difference between disconnect and delete?
With disconnect, the collection of data is stopped. You can restart the data import by setting the checkmarks again. However, if you have deleted an account, it must be re-authorized.