Vendor Inventory Walkthrough

Find out how you can check whether you have enough inventory in the Amazon warehouse.

We use the Vendor Inventory to get this information!

1. Where to find your Inventory data in emax digital 

2. Inventory Dashboard Insights

1. Where to find your Inventory data in emax digital 

To get started, log in to the emax digital tool and navigate to the Inventory Dashboard in your Hub -> Performance -> Inventory Dashboard ➡️ VC . Depending on your account type, you will be directed to the Vendor Central (VC) interface.


Here you can check for which products you have ASINs that are:

  • Out of Stock: Inventory Level is 0
  • Critical Stock: Run Rate is less than 3 days
  • Low Stock: Run Rate is between 3 and 7 days
  • Sufficient Stock: Run Rate is greater than 7 days or the product had no sales during the last 7 days and the Inventory Level is 0
  • Overstock: Run Rate is greater than 84 days
  • ASIN not in AMZ report: No inventory information available from Amazon for the last 30 days

Here we calculate the Run Rate in Days based on the Historic Data of 7 and 30 days. Additionally we calculate the Forecasted Run Rate with the Forecast Amazon gives you.

Forecasted RR = (current AMZ stock + open POs) – (Sum average forecast week 1 – 4)

2. Inventory Dashboard Insights

  • Inventory KPIs: The dashboard provides important Amazon key performance indicators (KPIs) that help you monitor inventory health, including stock levels, sales velocity, and forecast coverage.
  • Forecasting and Run Rate: Understand your inventory’s coverage for the upcoming weeks. Our forecasting KPI calculates when your stock will be depleted based on current sales speed and open purchase orders. 
  • Unhealthy Units: Identify units that are not performing well, including slow-moving or excess inventory, and take action to improve their turnover.

Amazon suggests that the best way to get rid of unhealthy units by offering price discounts via deals or vouchers. 

  • ASIN-Level Insights: Detailed information is available for each ASIN, allowing you to make precise adjustments and plan Born2run in case it is necessary.