Find out how you can check whether you have enough inventory in the Amazon warehouse.
Learn more about "How to monitor Inventory & Forecasting".
1. Where to find your Inventory data in emax digital
2. Inventory Dashboard Insights
3. KPI Definitions
4. Use Cases
Where to find your Inventory data in emax digital
To get started, log in to the emax digital tool and navigate to the Inventory dashboard in Hub -> Performance -> ➡️ Inventory.
Inventory Dashboard Insights
- Inventory KPIs: The dashboard provides essential Amazon key performance indicators (KPIs) that help you monitor inventory health, including stock levels, sales velocity, and forecast coverage.
- Forecasting and Run Rate: Understand your inventory’s coverage for the upcoming weeks. Our forecasting KPI calculates when your stock will be depleted based on current sales speed and open purchase orders.
- Unhealthy Units: Identify units that are not performing well, including slow-moving or excess inventory, and take action to improve their turnover.
Amazon suggests that the best way to eliminate unhealthy units is by offering price discounts via deals or vouchers.
- ASIN-Level Insights: Detailed information is available for each ASIN, allowing you to make precise adjustments and plan Born2run if necessary.
In the top section, the Pie chart graphs will show how many ASINs are:
- Out of Stock: Inventory Level is 0
- Critical Stock: Run Rate is less than 3 days
- Low Stock: Run Rate is between 3 and 7 days
- Sufficient Stock: Run Rate is greater than 7 days, or the product had no sales during the last 7 days, and the Inventory Level is 0
- Overstock: Run Rate is greater than 84 days
- ASIN not in AMZ report: No inventory information available from Amazon for the last 30 days
KPI Definitions
Stock Category
Indicates if you have enough items in stock given the average sales speed of the past 7 and 30 days:
- Critical means that you have items in stock for only about 3 days left
- Low means that you have items for about 3 to 7 days on stock
- Sufficient means that you have items for more than 7 days left in stock
Replenishment Category
The "Replenishment Category," as reported by Amazon, shows whether Amazon would purchase the product.
The status value is uploaded in the Custom Column in the Vendor Catalog. Available in the Excel-Download only!
Run Out Date
The actual date the ASIN will be out of stock given the actual "Sales Speed" of 7 Days.
Run Rate [Days]
Describes how long it will take until the items in stock are sold out. If the number is negative, it shows how many days Amazon will be out-of-stock in case they order new units today. The Run Rate is calculated by the following formula: (Sellable-On-Hand-Units / Sales Speed [7days]).
Time to Action
Describes how long it will take until the items in stock are sold out. If the number is negative, it shows how many days Amazon will be out-of-stock in case they order new units today. The Time to Action is calculated by the following formula: (Sellable-On-Hand-Units / Sales Speed [7days]) - Vendor Lead Time.
Sales Speed
Is composed of the Average Ordered Units per day for the displayed time frame in the column. This way, you can see how many units, on average, are ordered per day in 3, 7, and 30 days. Therefore, the higher the Sales Speed, the more units are ordered on average.
Forecast Units
From Amazon's Vendor Forecasting Report, the sum of the Mean Forecast Units for the next 4 weeks. 'Mean' is Amazon's best estimate of weekly customer demand, compared to the P70, P80 and P90 forecasts.
Coverage Forecast
Shows whether your in-stock level covers Amazon's forecasted purchases (Do I have enough in-stock to cover demand from Amazon?). Coverage Factor can be customized to your needs in the filters (default = -10).
Calculation of forecasted inventory: Inventory Level + Open Purchase Order Quantity - Mean Forecast Units compared to Coverage Factor.
- Not Covered: When <= Coverage Factor
- Covered: When > Coverage Factor
Vendor Lead Time [Days]
The time from when a purchase order is placed until the units are ready and available to sell or ship off the shelf.
Vendor Confirmation Rate
How many units has the vendor confirmed out of the units Amazon asked for (through Purchase Orders), accounting for procurable ASINs only? Vendor Confirmation Rate = Quantity Confirmed / Quantity Submitted.
Inventory Level
Is the sum of the Sellable on Hand Units e.g. the number of items in stock.
Open Purchase Order Quantity
The number of units that Amazon ordered from you but have not been fulfilled yet.
Glance Views
The average number of times a Product Detail Page is viewed per day (with Amazon having the buy box) in the past 30 days.
Unhealthy Units
The sum of Units in stock which cannot be sold anymore.
Aged 90+ Days
Sum of Units that are longer in stock than 90 days.
Use Cases
Prevent Stockouts with Critical Stock Alerts
If you notice that certain ASINs are categorized as "Out of Stock" or "Critical Stock" (run rate < 3 days), analyze the Time to Action KPI to determine how long you have before products sell out completely.
Action: Expedite purchase orders and adjust your Vendor Lead Time to ensure timely replenishment and avoid loss of sales.
Optimize Promotions to Address Overstock
If your dashboard shows that some ASINs have a Run Rate > 84 days, categorized as "Overstock," this is an opportunity to clear inventory.
Action: Launch time-limited promotions, such as price discounts, deals, or vouchers, to clear slow-moving inventory.
Improve Your Vendor Confirmation Rate
If your Vendor Confirmation Rate KPI shows a low confirmation percentage, it may indicate that you are unable to fulfill all units Amazon requested.
Action: Investigate supply chain bottlenecks and work to improve production planning, ensuring higher confirmation rates and maintaining a strong partnership with Amazon.
Track Inventory Levels for Seasonal Peaks
During peak shopping seasons, such as Black Friday or holiday sales, monitor the Inventory Level KPI to ensure sufficient stock for high-demand ASINs.
Action: Adjust open purchase order quantities and use historical data to ensure your inventory levels align with expected sales velocity.
Reduce Unhealthy Units
Identify "Unhealthy Units" through the dashboard—products with low sales velocity or high Run Rate.
Action: Strategize actions such as bundling products, offering discounts, or creating attractive deals to improve turnover.
Use ASIN-Level Insights for Strategic Planning
The dashboard provides ASIN-level insights into which products are low-performing (Run Rate) or overstocked. If you identify a product with low Glance Views and excess inventory, this is an opportunity for optimization.Action: Optimize the product listing (e.g., improve images or descriptions) and invest in targeted advertising to increase traffic and reduce excess stock.