Home Charts

Learn how and why to create personalized reports today and elevate your understanding of sales and advertising performance on both Vendor and Seller marketplace


What can you do on the Home Screen? 

Create Personalized Reports: Utilize the functionality of the Home Screen to meticulously tailor reports to your specific requirements. Concentrate on key metrics, such as Amazon sales and advertising performance, to gain a comprehensive and nuanced analysis of your activities across both Vendor and Seller marketplaces.

Save your Custom Presets: With the Preset function on the top left of the Home Screen, you can save the KPI's and Columns that you want to see in your Home Screen. In the Preset Library Manager, you can then return to your saved Presets at any time. 

What is it for?

1. Vendor and Seller Marketplace Analysis

Understand the overall performance of your products on the Vendor and/or Seller Marketplace

  • Create a report focusing on key metrics such as sales revenue, units sold, and conversion rates.

  • Analyze trends and patterns to identify top-performing products, evaluate inventory levels, and optimize marketing strategies.

2. Monitor your Advertising Performance

Assess the efficacy of your advertising campaigns by constructing a personalized report that incorporates key metrics such as ad spend, click-through rates (CTR), and return on ad spend (ROAS).