DSP - Understanding Amazon DSP Inventory

Mastering Amazon DSP: A Strategic Guide to Unlocking the Power of Diverse Inventories for Advertising Success

1. Amazon-Owned & Operated (O&O)

Overview: Amazon Owned & Operated (O&O) inventory refers to the prime advertising real estate directly controlled by Amazon on its various platforms.

Key Points:

  • High Intent Audience: Target users actively in the shopping mindset on Amazon's sites and apps.
  • Diverse Ad Placements: From product detail pages to search results, providing varied opportunities for visibility.
  • Prime Member Targeting: Access the lucrative audience of Amazon Prime members

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2. Amazon Devices (limited to certain marketplaces) 

Overview: Extend your reach to Amazon devices such as Kindle (US only), Fire tablets (US, DE, UK), and Fire TV.

Key Points:

  • Immersive Experiences: Leverage unique ad formats for engaging experiences.
  • Device-Specific Targeting: Tailor campaigns for different device types.
  • Connected TV Advertising: Reach audiences on the big screen with Fire TV.

3. Third-Party Exchanges and SSPs (Supply-Side Platforms)

Overview: Integration with external exchanges and SSPs expands the reach beyond Amazon's properties.

Key Points:

  • Diverse Online Platforms: Reach audiences across a wide array of websites and apps.
  • Cross-Channel Campaigns: Utilize a mix of platforms for comprehensive reach.
  • Contextual Targeting: Align ads with the content of the external platform.


4. Publisher Partnerships

Overview: Collaborate with external publishers for premium inventory on high-traffic websites and apps.

Key Points:

  • Niche Audience Targeting: Reach specific demographics through publisher partnerships.
  • Brand Safety: Advertise on trusted and respected publishing platforms.
  • Customized Creative: Tailor ad content for specific publisher audiences.

Best Practices for Utilizing Amazon DSP Supply

1. Align Objectives with Inventory:

Tailor your strategy based on campaign goals, whether it's sales on Amazon, brand awareness, or cross-channel reach.

2. Utilize Targeting Options:

Leverage Amazon DSP's sophisticated targeting options for precise audience segmentation.

3. Regularly Analyze Performance:

Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to refine your strategy and maximize ROI.

4. Experiment with Creative Formats:

Test different ad formats to find the most effective approach for your target audience.