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AMC - Path to Conversion Walkthrough

Find out which KPIs you can find in the Path to Conversion Dashboard.

Link to dashboard

Filter Options

In the Path to Conversion Dashboard you can filter:

  • Reporting Range - you can choose your prefered time range
  • Campaign / Campaign Name - you can search for a campaign or type in a campaign name

Path to Conversion by Device

Monitor which device combinations clients go through before they buy your product and discover through which device you receive the most sales.

Path to Conversion by Campaign Type

Monitor which campaign combinations clients go through before they buy your product and discover through which campaign (type) you receive the most sales.

Impression Frequency

Check how often users have to see your ads to get the best purchase rate.

Impressions Day of Week vs. Hours of Day

Monitor when you receive the most impressions and when the clients actually convert to optimize your time capping.

Time to Conversion vs. Purchases

Monitor how long it takes after the user saw your ad to buy the product to optimize your frequency capping.