Amazon Brand Registry: Granting Rights and Reseller Access

This article teaches you how to grant rights to another brand and how to obtain rights as a reseller on Amazon.

Amazon Brand Registry provides tools to help brand owners protect their registered trademarks on Amazon. To participate, your brand must have a registered and active trademark in the country where you wish to enroll.


Granting Rights to Another Brand


  1. Login & Access: Sign in to your Brand Registry account.
  2. Brand Management: Navigate to the dashboard and select "Brand Management".
  3. Assign Rights: Choose the brand you want to grant rights to and click "Add User".
  4. User Information: Enter the new user’s email and select the appropriate permissions (e.g., Administrator, Rights Owner).
  5. Send Invitation: Confirm and send the invitation. The new user will receive an email to confirm their access.

Obtaining Rights as a Reseller

  1. Contact: Reach out to the brand owner and request access.
  2. Invitation: The brand owner must invite you via their Brand Registry dashboard.
  3. Accept Invitation: You will receive an email with an invitation link. Follow the link to accept the invitation.
  4. Confirm Access: Once confirmed, you will have the assigned rights and can operate within those permissions.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Amazon Brand Registry:

  1. Trademark Requirements: Your brand must have an active registered trademark or a pending trademark application submitted via Amazon IP Accelerator.
  2. Accepted Trademark Offices: Registrations from various international trademark offices, such as USPTO (USA), EUIPO (EU), and others, are accepted.
  3. Brand Name Matching: The trademark text must match the brand name used in your application and appear on your products or packaging.

For more detailed information and step-by-step guidance, visit Amazon Brand Registry Eligibility.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage brand rights and reseller access, ensuring your intellectual property is protected on Amazon.